
The Houston Chinese Photographic Society was founded in 1990. The founding members were Philip Shao, Luong Phat, Thomas Lang, Thomas Quan and Dr. Nguyen Thai. Philip Shao was the first President. Soon after its establishment, the society actively developed its activities. Members began to enter into international salon competitions. In 1992, the society collaborated with Sichuan Daily newspaper in Chengdu, China. This began the society's legendary travel photography program. In 1993, in response to invitation of Xinjiang Photographer Association, our members traveled to the border region of northwest China. Subsequently, society members visited the famous photography master, Mr. Fuli Chen and established the connection with the Photographic Society of Hong Kong. During the same year, another well-known photography guru, Mr. Jingshan Lang of Taiwan visited the society in Houston. In 1995, members of the society visited Wellington Lee of Photographic Society of New York and Ngai Ching Photographic Association in New York.

During the past memorable years, members such as Thomas Lang, Dr. Nguyen Thai, Thomas Quan, William Wu, Shek-lun Man and many others have won prestigious international awards. Others like the late Tai-Jee Kwan and Xan-Vinh Tran, also provided dedicated services. All the preceding presidents, from Philip Shao, Nguyen Thai, Chester Wang, Jian-Zhang Xu to the current president Christopher Lien have all devoted themselves to the success of the society.

休士顿华人摄影学会创建于1990年,最早由萧春泉,李雨发,凌兆基,关本俊,蔡保罗几位发起,萧春泉任创会会长。创会后立即受到各方属目,会务迅速发展,会员作品开始进军国际摄影沙龙。1992年,摄影学会首次与中国大陆成都四川日报合作,开展旅行摄影活动。1993年,应新疆摄影学会的邀请, 再次扑大陆西北边陲采风交流。随后特别拜访香港著名摄影大师陈复礼先生并与香港摄影学会交流。同年再邀请闻名区国际的摄影家浪静山大师访休。1995年,学会专程扑纽约拜会著名摄影家梁光名字先生并与纽约和艺青两大摄影学会交流。1996年,摄影学会应发展之需,成立董事会,蔡保罗先生出任董事长。之后,会员创作日丰,更加强海内外联系。同年,学会先扑中国大陆与浙江摄影学会交流,尔后,在休士顿接待中国摄影家吕厚民先生率中国摄影家协会代表团到访。1997 年,在休士顿举办了第一届国际沙龙摄影作品展,作品来自世界各地,影响甚巨。1999年,第二届国际沙龙摄影作品展再一次在休士顿举行。至此,休士顿华人摄影学会已奠定自己在国际之地位,蔡保罗凌兆基吴福林文硕麟等被选入“北美十杰”。


Chinese Culture Ctr. Rm-203


10303 West Office Drive, Houston, TX 77042

or contact:

Thomas S. Lang

15410 Seminole Canyon Drive

Sugar Land, TX 77478


Email: tlang@HoustonChinesePhoto.org

Tel: 001-281-568-2873