news 2015

HCPS News & Upcoming Events


祝中華民國104年雙十國慶 "臺灣之美" 攝影展覽 的僑社新聞刊登在美南新聞10月17日(星期六)B1版及電子版www.scdaily.com以及nancy huang10-16-2015的 FACE BOOK.

休城讀圖 : 現附上美南新聞10-17-2015(星期六) PDF版供您存檔之用.

"休士頓華人攝影學會慶祝雙十國慶攝影展 臺灣之美廣受歡迎" 的僑社新聞刊登在美南新聞9月24日(星期四)C1版及電子版

休城讀圖 : 現附上美南新聞9-24-2015(星期六) PDF版供您存檔之用.

謝謝大家的支持,促使休士頓華人攝影學會慶祝雙十國慶攝影展 臺灣之美成功展出.

Here is the news release of September 19 Photo Exhibition, thank you for all your support to make this exhibition a success.


休士頓華人攝影學會定於2015年9月19日,星期六下午三點正,於僑教中心展覽廳舉行一年一 度的攝影展覽開幕典禮。請各位會員準備参展照片每人四張,照片格式請按照學會所展示於網站上的展覽照片之規格為準。

展覽場地佈置及照片的懸掛事宜, 將於9月17日下午兩點開始進行。請各位會員届時將照片帶到展覽場地,以便協助懸掛。若不能將照片帶到展覽場地者,請將參展照片預先帶到九月份之月會中(9月13日星期天),交給關會長代勞。




2015 Annual Exhibition Announcement

The Houston Chinese photographic Society will held the 2015 annual photo exhibition on Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 3 PM at the Chinese Culture Center. All members please prepare four photos for the event. The Specification of the photo has been defined. Please refer to the HCPS website for the specification and the standardization of the exhibiting photo, in regard to the frame and mat requirements.

The exhibition site preparation and picture hanging is planned on September 17, 2015 at 2 PM. All members please bring their photos to the exhibition site at that time for photos hanging. For the one who cannot make it to the exhibiting site, please bring their photos earlier to the September meeting (on Sunday, September 13, 2015), and hand the photos to the president, Mr. Thomas Quan, for favor handling.

In coordinating with the double-tenth celebration, for whom who has Taiwan landscape photos, please submit them for priority-choice exhibition.

If you have question regarding photo quality or any other questions, please call Mr. Thomas Quan, his number is 713-259-2915 or Mr. Thomas Lang 832-782-0728.

To facilitate the preparation of the exhibition cards, the members who is participating the exhibition, please email me the following information as soon as possible: The authors name in Chinese and in English and the photo titles also in Chinese and in English. The latest deadline for the card info submission is one week before the exhibiting day. Paul Thai’s email address

From Paul Thai





開幕典禮:星期六,2015 年7月18日,上午十一點。



10925 Beechnut St。

Houston TX 77072

(於 Wilcrest 路與 Beechnut 路之交界,Alpha Realtor 商場內)







照片之電子JPEG郵件大小為八成十英寸300 dpi為準。全部照片請拷入CD盤上,CD盤內請提供作品名單,寫上作品中文英文名稱,以及作者中英文名字。



若各位有問題的話,請與關會長聯繫。電話為: (713) 259-2915


To fellow directors and members.

This notice is in regard to the collecting of photos for the book in commemorate the 25th anniversary of HCPS.

Any member who wishes to participate, please select 2 to 6 photos of your choice and submit them to Mr. Thomas Lang or Mr. President Thomas Quan.

The deadline of the collection is on Sunday. June 14, 2015 (The June meeting event).

The photos should be on JPEG files, size of 8 x 10" at 300 dpi. please burn the photos onto a CD ROM disc. Also please include a file with the photos titles in English and in Chinese, likewise the author's name in both languages.

The cost of the printing will be partially provided by the Houston Chinese photographic Society and the rest of the cost will be sponsored by the participants.

This is the great event of photo book printing for every 5 year-time. I hope everyone will take part of it enthusiastically.

If you have any question please call Mr. President Thomas Quan at 713-259-2915.

Announcement by Paul Thai


(1) 攝影學會2015初級攝影進修班課程 will start this Saturday, May 2.

(2) If you have not turn in the CD photos for 25 周年Photo 畫册, please turn in on Sunday , May 10. 吳大軫 already arrived USA, he will be at May 10 meeting to collect the CD. He will be leaving USA on May 13.

休城讀圖 : 休士頓華人攝影學會四月份獲獎作品欣賞_4/23/2015美南新聞


為滿足休士頓廣大攝影愛好者提高自身攝影技術,休士頓華人攝影學會2015初級攝影進修班,將於5月2日在休士頓僑教中心開課。每個週六的下午3:00-5:00授課,共12週,其中擬安排2次攝影外拍活動,由攝影學會資深的攝影師擔任指導老師: 董事長蔡保羅醫師, 許建章醫師, 會長關本俊,董事凌兆基,連健立, 潘英俊, 賈忠與馬海歌老師。初級攝影進修班收報名費五十元( 三十元華人攝影學會會費,二十元學雜費) , 授課地點在休士頓僑教中心103教室。

休士頓華人攝影學會創已來己二十五年, 經董事會多年的努力下,己成為北美最大規模和高水準之一的華人攝影學會。一般會員的會費每年三十元, 董事的會費每年一百元. 休士頓華人攝影學每個月第二個星期日下午2:00-5:00在休士頓僑教中心, 203 室開月會¸歡迎大家參加下次五月十日的月會, 並加入休士頓華人攝影學會.


隨著數碼相機的普及,現在幾乎每個家庭都會有一兩部數碼相機,家庭聚會、旅遊踏青、朋友探訪以及一些有紀念意義的活動等都想拍攝一些照片留念。但很多朋友總覺得自己拍出的照片不盡人意,不是曝光不准,就是對焦不實,使很多珍貴的場面留下了遺憾。數碼攝影初级進修班著重對攝影有一定興趣的朋友進行, 攝影知識與拍攝技巧方面的培訓,側重於數碼相機的操作,包括如何構圖,用光,對焦,怎樣控制景深等等,參加完這些課程後,相信將會提升大家的攝影技術與攝影作品的欣賞。

休士頓華人攝影學會歡迎大家加入學會, 並報名2015初级攝影進修班。 不論你是否有相機,也不管是單反相機還是小數碼相機,只要喜歡攝影,都可以來這裡學習交流。攝影初级進修班將於5月2日開課, 每週六下午3時至5時。地址:休士頓僑教中心(10303 Westoffice Drive, Houston, TX 77042)。 報名電話:休士頓華人攝影學會潘英俊董事 :713-668-2881

攝影學會2015初級攝影進修班課程_ 5/2 to 7/18/2015


加拿大温哥華中藝攝影學會會長葉榕湋(左四) 來休士頓參訪與華人攝影學會成員交流, 並參加華人攝影學會四月十二月在休士頓僑教中心, 203 室開的月會, 擔任裁判, 並與華人攝影學會成員合影(見圖) . 葉榕湋會長一行來休士頓一星期, 由華人攝影學會潘英俊董事(左三)與朱炳新醫師(左五) 陪同, 去了Dallas照貓頭鷹, 並到德州High Island照白鷺與紅琵鹭, 收獲良多. 加拿大温哥華中藝攝影學會己成立四十一年, 有三百多位成員, 由2004 -2014年, 十年間曾舉辦六次國際攝影沙龍比賽, 是加拿大最大規模和高水準之一的華人攝影學會.

Invitation - Vietnam Photographic Art Society

Vietnam Photographic Art Society respectfully invites all members of Houston Chinese Photographic Society to attend its Annual Photographic Art Exhibition.

Opening ceremony: 6:30PM – Friday, January 30, 2015

Location: Palette Gallery

10925 Beechnut Street – Houston, TX. 77072

Liaison: 832-671-8204

Exhibition will be closing on Sunday, February 1st, 2015

Your presence will be a source of great pride and encouragement to us.

Sincerely yours,

On behalf of VPAS

Nguyễn Thu Tiên, President

休士頓華人攝影學會 2015 春宴暨十大優秀攝影作品頒獎儀式

華人攝影學會公關翁定台博士獻詩於休士頓華人攝影學會 2015 羊年春宴暨十大優秀攝影作品頒獎儀式 at 3/14/2015

百花齊放, 攝影樂, 萬羊騰步,氣象新

新春富貴, 年年好, 佳歲攝影,喜洋洋

2015 春宴暨十大優秀攝影作品頒獎儀式



當晚將以幻燈形式播放獲獎作品,請各位獲獎者將此次獲獎圖片的電子版Email給Libby Zhang: ;並將獲獎作品以展板形式帶入晚宴現場展示。當晚還將邀請華人攝影協會前會長、董事連建立先生播放俄羅斯風光片。


地點:休斯頓姚餐廳Yao Restaurant & Bar

位址:9755 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Tx 77042


關本俊 電話:713-259-2915

Tracy Feng:Email:


*The January 2015 meeting will be changed to the 3rd Sunday (1/18/2015), instead of the second Sunday as usual.

*The 2014 year-end Grand Annual and Top 10 competitions will be held on the January 2015 meeting. All members who wish to participate in the competitions please submit their photos on spot no later than 1:00 PM on January 18, 2015 at Chinese culture center room 203. The photos submitted later then the said time will not be judged.

*The new members who participated in group B for the small photos. Please have their monthly winning photos enlarged to the large size (maximum size 16” x 20" including mat). This group of photos will compete for three Novice Excellence awards.

*For details of the year-end competition, please refer to the rules and regulation on the HCPS website.



務請各位會員 將自己每月比賽入圍的照片,於 1月18日下午一時之前送到會場,即僑教中心樓上203室。遲交的照片 概不受理。



Annual Competition Rules

Beside the Top-Ten competition, seven categories in annual competition are as follows:

Landscape View of country, or urban scenery with minimum human activity

People/Portrait People(s) compose 50% or more in composition of the picture

Nature Animals, plants in their nature surroundings in single original shot without major Photoshop alteration

Still life/Architecture Still life means none living subject. e.g. cut out flower(s) in vase instead of flowers in the garden ; Architecture should compose 70% or more in the picture, otherwise in the category of landscape

Black & White No limitation on subject

Digital Alteration Require major digital Photoshop creative works

Panoramic Photos must be taken with panoramic (wide format) camera or stitching three or more 35mm frames.

Prints size up to 11”x 28” the width of the prints should not be smaller then 8” mounted on cardboards

2” margin on each side.

Prints should not be smaller than “8 x 10”, neither exceed “16 x 20” (except panoramic prints). Prints must be mounted on cardboard no larger than “16 x 20” (except panoramic prints) and with no frames.Photographer’s name and picture title should be appeared on the back of each cardboard.

Images awarded previously at monthly competitions* (Feb~ Dec, 2012), regardless categories, are qualified to enter the annual “Top Ten ” competition. The qualified “ Top Ten ” entrants are free to choose only one image per category to enter the competition in any of the above categories. The same image(s) enter the other categories should not enter the “ Top Ten ” simultaneously. Each member can submit maximum of 3 images per category.

*The qualified “B” section members should submit your “Novice Excellent Awards” entries in a designate area and will be judged to pick three awards.