
HCPS News & Upcoming Events 2016


*The 2016 year-end Grand Annual and Top 10 competitions will be held on the January 8, 2017 meeting. All members who wish to participate in the competitions please submit their photos on spot no later than 1:00 PM on January 8, 2017 at Chinese culture center room 203. The photos submitted later then the said time will not be judged.

*The new members who participated in group B for the small photos. Please have their monthly winning photos enlarged to the large size (maximum size 16” x 20" including mat). This group of photos will compete for three Novice Excellence awards.

*For details of the year-end competition, please refer to the rules and regulation on the HCPS website.



務請各位會員 將自己每月比賽入圍的照片,於 1月8日下午一時之前送到會場,即僑教中心樓上203室。遲交的照片 概不受理。



Annual Competition Rules

Seven categories in annual competition are as follows:

1. Landscape View of country, or urban scenery with minimum human activity

2. People/Portrait People(s) compose 50% or more in composition of the picture

3. Nature Animals, plants in their nature surroundings in single

original shot without major Photoshop alteration

4. Still life/Architecture Still life means none living subject. e.g. cut out flower(s) in

vase instead of flowers in the garden ; Architecture should compose 70% or

more in the picture, otherwise in the category of landscape

5. Black & White No limitation on subject

6. Digital Alteration Require major digital Photoshop creative works

7. Panoramic Photos must be taken with panoramic (wide format) camera or stitching three or more

8. Action Caterory.


Prints size up to 11”x 28” the width of the prints should not be smaller then 8”

mounted on cardboards 2” margin on each side.

Prints should not be smaller than “8 x 10”, neither exceed “16 x 20” (except panoramic prints). Prints must be mounted on cardboard no larger than “16 x 20” (except panoramic prints) and with no frames. Photographer’s name and picture title should be appeared on the back of each cardboard.

Images awarded previously at monthly competitions* (Feb~ Dec, 2016), regardless categories, are qualified to enter the annual “Top Ten ”competition. The qualified “ Top Ten ” entrants are free to choose only one image per category to enter the competition in any of the above categories. The same image(s) enter the other categories should not enter the “ Top Ten ” simultaneously.

*The qualified “B” section members should submit your “Top Ten” entries in a designate area and will be judged in the “Top Ten” category separately.


  1. 每年度的年赛日期定为一月的第二个星期日下午一时到五时.

  2. 年赛的评选由三位评判员组成, 其人选将由学会的资深会员以及特邀的嘉宾担任. 评判员如有作品参加年赛的十类作品组比赛, 则不能担当该年赛的评判员.

  3. 参赛的作品必须是装裱好的照片. 除宽幅作品组外, 各组均使用相同的幅面尺寸. 装裱所用背板尺寸必须是16”x20”, 参赛的照片尺寸不得小于8”x10”, 大于16”x20”. 宽幅作品装裱所用背板尺寸必须是16”x40”, 参赛的宽幅照片尺寸比率不得小于1:2, 大于1:3. 凡是背板尺寸不符合规定的参赛作品一律不能参加比赛.

  4. 年赛由以下十类作品组组成. 每个分类组获奖的作品名次均等, 每位合格会员在每个分类组中只能有一张作品获奖.

一. 十大优秀摄影作品组, 从月赛获奖的大照片和数码照片作品中评选出十张优秀摄影作品. 凡月赛获奖的作品均可参加此组比赛, 每位合格会员参赛作品的数量不限.

二. 风景作品组, 评选出三张风景类摄影作品. 题材不限, 每位合格会员 参赛的作品不得超过三张.

三. 自然作品组, 评选出三张自然类摄影作品. 题材不限, 参赛作品中不 能有人为的因素, 每位合格会员参赛的作品不得超过三张.

四. 人像作品组, 评选出三张人像类摄影作品. 题材不限, 人像特写必须半身, 腰部以上, 且不能超过两人. 人群不属于人像作品, 每位合格会员参赛的作品不得超过三张.

五. 建筑静物作品组, 评选出三张建筑或静物类摄影作品. 题材不限, 均以无生命物体为主, 每位合格会员参赛的作品不得超过三张.

六. 运动作品组, 评选出三张运动类摄影作品. 题材不限, 每位合格会员 参赛的作品不得超过三张.

七. 黑白作品组, 评选出三张黑白类摄影作品. 题材不限, 每位合格会员 参赛的作品不得超过三张.

八. 电脑创作作品组, 评选出三张电脑创作类摄影作品. 题材不限, 每位 合格会员参赛的作品不得超过三张.

九. 宽幅作品组, 评选出三张宽幅类摄影作品. 题材不限, 每位合格会员参赛的作品不得超过三张.

十. 新秀作品组, 评选出三张新秀摄影作品. 题材不限, 凡小照片组的月 赛获奖作品均可参加该组比赛, 每位合格会员参赛的作品不得超过三张, 获奖的会员将不能再参加以后任何年度的小照片组的月赛和 新秀作品组的年赛.

以上各项章程规则的解释权属于休斯顿华人摄影学会. 如有任何疑问, 请与休斯顿华人摄影学会联系.




Café East 1,

4645 Highway 6 at Dulles,

Sugar Land TX 77478

Telephone 281-491-8181






Announcement of the Houston Chinese photographic Society

The annual new year gathering will be held at Café East one restaurant on Sunday 1/1/2017 at 11:30AM

Café East 1,

4645 Highway 6 at Dulles,

Sugar Land TX 77478

Telephone 281-491-8181

After the New year luncheon, there will be a slide show presented by Paul Thai with the subject: Travel to Greece and Italy.

If any member or guest like to provide more slide show at the party, please contact me or president Mr. Quan for the arrangement.

Cost of luncheon: $18 per person.

you're welcome to bring family members and friends to attend.

Announcement by Paul Thai


華人攝影學會華人攝影學會將於2016 年9月24日禮拜六下午2:30舉行一年一度的雙十節攝影展覽,暨攝影學會25週年紀念畫冊發佈會。






The Chinese Photographic Society will hold its annual Double Ten Day Photography Exhibition and the Introduction Announcement of its 25th Anniversary Photographic Album on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 2:30PM.

Participating Members are requested to have their framed photos (glass-free) ready on

September 11, 2016, and bring them to the monthly meeting for collection. This year, we will have someone in charge for the hanging and preparation of the exhibiting room.

Frame size and mounting specifications, please refer to the website:

Selection of the exhibition photos (4 photos for each participant): Please select the Taiwan scenery photos as priority one; secondly please select the photos that appeared in the 25th anniversary album.

If the participants have no photos available that fit in the previously cited categories, please use any photos that he or she has.

From Nguyen Thai

3月月赛改为3月20日下午2:00-5:00 華僑文敎中心一零二會議室舉行,请互相通知。


学会定于3月27日在金山举行春宴暨年赛颁奖典礼,为了方便预订,需要提前统计到会人数,请计划参加晚宴的朋友尽快报名。希望所有会员参加,并欢迎亲友参加(费用每人$35,到时再交)。学会要求年赛获奖者(除非特殊原因当日不在休斯顿的)必须参加晚宴,亲自到会领奖。和往年一样,晚宴期间有抽奖活动。除学会出资外,董事长蔡保罗医师一如既往慷慨解囊支持这次活动,此外,学会各位董事也将捐赠奖品助兴。希望大家积极报名参加,共度良宵。欲报名者请与Chris Fang联系,; 814-571-1416. 谢谢大家。

华夏时报: 新聞發佈- 休士頓華人攝影學會春節晚宴

世界日报: 新聞發佈- 休士頓華人攝影學會春節晚宴

美南新闻: 新聞發佈- 休士頓華人攝影學會春節晚宴

2015年賽将于 2016 1月10日下午 12:30 – 5:00 華僑文敎中心二零三會議室舉行請踴躍參加. 收件截止至中午 12:30, 請注意參賽規则如下.

Please note that the 2015 Annual Contest of “Ten Best Photos” will be held on Jan.10, 2016 from 12:30- 5PM at Culture Center room-203. All entries should be turned in by 12:30 pm. Please see below details of rules of the contest.

Annual Competition Rules

Seven categories in annual competition are as follows:

1. Landscape View of country, or urban scenery with minimum human activity

2. People/Portrait People(s) compose 50% or more in composition of the picture

3. Nature Animals, plants in their nature surroundings in single

original shot without major Photoshop alteration

4. Still life/Architecture Still life means none living subject. e.g. cut out flower(s) in

vase instead of flowers in the garden ; Architecture should compose 70% or

more in the picture, otherwise in the category of landscape

5. Black & White No limitation on subject

6. Digital Alteration Require major digital Photoshop creative works

7. Panoramic Photos must be taken with panoramic (wide format) camera or stitching three or more

35mm frames.

Prints size up to 11”x 28” the width of the prints should not be smaller then 8”

mounted on cardboards 2” margin on each side.

Prints should not be smaller than “8 x 10”, neither exceed “16 x 20” (except panoramic prints). Prints must be mounted on cardboard no larger than “16 x 20” (except panoramic prints) and with no frames. Photographer’s name and picture title should be appeared on the back of each cardboard.

Images awarded previously at monthly competitions* (Feb~ Dec, 2015), regardless categories, are qualified to enter the annual “Top Ten ”competition. The qualified “ Top Ten ” entrants are free to choose only one image per category to enter the competition in any of the above categories. The same image(s) enter the other categories should not enter the “ Top Ten ” simultaneously.

*The qualified “B” section members should submit your “Top Ten” entries in a designate area and will be judged in the “Top Ten” category separately.

Today at 6:47 PM

2016 元旦/新年聚餐

2016年㋀1日星期五于 Café East 1, 地址:

4645 Hwy 6 at Dulles, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281)491-8181

$15.00/毎人, 從上午 11:30到下午2:30时 (自助午餐).

New Year Get-Together Party – Friday Jan. 1st, 2016 at Café East 1

Sugar Land Restaurant located at 4645 Hwy6 at Dulles,

Sugar Land,TX 77478 (281) 491-8181. $15.00/person.

Buffet lunch will start 11:30 am following by slide shows and

entertainment program.

祝中華民國104年雙十國慶 "臺灣之美" 攝影展覽 的僑社新聞刊登在美南新聞10月17日(星期六)B1版及電子版www.scdaily.com以及nancy huang10-16-2015的 FACE BOOK.

休城讀圖 : 現附上美南新聞10-17-2015(星期六) PDF版供您存檔之用.

"休士頓華人攝影學會慶祝雙十國慶攝影展 臺灣之美廣受歡迎" 的僑社新聞刊登在美南新聞9月24日(星期四)C1版及電子版

休城讀圖 : 現附上美南新聞9-24-2015(星期六) PDF版供您存檔之用.

謝謝大家的支持,促使休士頓華人攝影學會慶祝雙十國慶攝影展 臺灣之美成功展出.

Here is the news release of September 19 Photo Exhibition, thank you for all your support to make this exhibition a success.